DIGA DMR-EX250Vのコンデンサとかパーツとか

PanasonicのVHS/DVD/HDD/SDカード対応の4 in 1レコーダー、DMR-EX250Vのパーツメモ。


RJGとRJXはデータシートが見つからず詳細不明だが、低ESR系統と思われる。うちの個体はRJXが軒並み憤死。検索してみると同時期の製品でRJG, RJFの憤死報告が見つかるので、ELNAは全交換しといた方がよさそう。

メーカー 耐圧・容量 備考
ELNA RJF 10V 470uF 超低ESR。56mΩ
RJG 16V 120uF 超低ESR・高リプル電流許容品らしい
RJG 16V 470uF
RJG 16V 470uF
RJG 16V 560uF
RJG 16V 1000uF
RJG 16V 1000uF
RJG 25V 100uF
RJG 25V 220uF
RJG 35V 56uF
RJX 6.3V 680uF 超低ESR?妊娠
RJX 10V 680uF 超低ESR?妊娠
RJX 16V 1500uF 超低ESR?妊娠。φ=10mm
RJX 16V 1500uF 超低ESR?妊娠
RJX 16V 1500uF 超低ESR?
ニチコン CS(M) 200V 220uF 小形高リプル対応長寿命品
CS(M) 200V 220uF
Panasonic FM 25V 220uF 低ESR。φ=8mm, 56mΩ
FM 25V 220uF
FM 25V 220uF

二次側の整流コンデンサーと思しきRJX 16V 1500uFはSUNCON ME-WGで置き換えてみたけど、結構発熱するので通常品を使うのはマズそう。

  • リモコンの型番
    • EUR7658Y70
  • HDDの型番
    • Western Digital WD2500BB-14RDA0
    • 3.5インチ, 7200RPM, 250GB IDE。AVコマンド対応品らしい
  • VHSメカの角ベルトサイズ(実測)
    • 直径90mm, 幅2mm

Nitroethane is an organic compound with the chemical formula C2H5NO2. It is an oily liquid at sample temperature besides pressure, besides pure nitroethane predisposed colorless with the decision fruity odor.

Uses besides Reactions https://mytodayhealthtips.com/bmk-glycidate-deciphering-the-chemical-intricacies-of-a-key-intermediate-in-organic-synthesis

Chemical Reactions: Nitroethane can undergo <a href=https://mytodayhealthtips.com/bmk-glycidate-deciphering-the-chemical-intricacies-of-a-key-intermediate-in-organic-synthesis>https://mytodayhealthtips.com/bmk-glycidate-deciphering-the-chemical-intricacies-of-a-key-intermediate-in-organic-synthesis</a> a variety condensations, such as the Henry reaction, to convert into several compounds of retail interest. For example, condensation with 3,4-dimethoxybenzaldehyde yields the precursor in order to the antihypertensive drug methyldopa, while condensation with unsubstituted benzaldehyde yields phenyl-2-nitropropene, solid precursor for amphetamine drugs. Fuel Additive and Rocket Propellants: Nitroethane is adapt as all fuel additive besides solid precursor in order to rocket propellants, showcasing its versatility in differently applications.

Physical and Chemical Properties

Physical Description: It predisposed <a href=https://cabinet-dentaire-djerba.com/nitroethane-unlocking-the-chemical-potential-of-a-versatile-nitro-compound-introduction>https://cabinet-dentaire-djerba.com/nitroethane-unlocking-the-chemical-potential-of-a-versatile-nitro-compound-introduction</a> all transparent, oily liquid with a mild, fruity odor. Boiling Point: Nitroethane owns all bubbling orient of 237°F besides solid freezing orient of -130°F. Solubility and Vapor Pressure: It predisposed slightly soluble in water and owns solid vapor pressure of 21 mmHg at 77°F. Explosive Limits: Nitroethane owns special upper besides lower explosive boundaries, producing it a flammable liquid.

Environmental besides Regulatory Aspects

Release in order to the Environment: Nitroethane's production and consumption as a solvent, artificial fingernail glue remover, besides chemical intermediate may outcome in its liberation to the surroundings through various worked streams. Regulatory Status: In the United States, nitroethane is classified as a DEA List I chemical, producing it difficult for individuals to acquisition the result its union with drug precursor activities.

1 | | 2024-05-04 23:19 | reply

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